The blog for conversion of vintage BMW 3.0 CS coupes to Tesla powered electric vehicles
Fitting a square display into a round hole
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Recall, I'm trying to add a digital dashboard display in the round hole
normally filled by the tachometer of the stock BMW instrument cluster.
It is a gorgeous set of VDO instruments set in a French walnut real wood
cluster. I want to keep as much of the original look as possible but
there is no need for a tachometer. The speed of the Tesla motor is many
times faster than a gas engine and basically irrelevant. Instead, I'd
like to know what gear I'm in, the state of my batteries, the most critical
temperature of the components, my remaining range, output power, etc.
Dual dash apps, one in the old tach location and another on a
touchscreen. Each communicates with each other and the rest of the
components in the car over CAN.
Therefore, I've been programming a "dash app" that runs on a Raspberry Pi and
can be displayed in the car. To date, I've had 16:9 rectangular version
of the app running on a touchscreen that now works great but is a bit too
large and clunky to integrate into the BMW instrument cluster. I may try
hiding it away behind the speaker grill in the dash, or perhaps in the
glovebox for changing settings but I really want a smaller read-only display
that will fit behind the glass where the tach used to be.
The trouble is, there isn't much room to work with. It needs to fit
between the existing analog speedometer and clock and the steel dash and top
of the binnacle limit the height. It really needs to be square or round
but 99% of the displays out there are rectangular.
The square display shows a squished and wrapped output
A rat's nest of boards, VGA cables, adapters, etc. mounted to the BMW
instrument panel
Big metal frame and distorted output make this display frustrating
I bought the closest display I could find -- a Chinese made 5" diagonal square
display but the display is a bit small and the surrounding frame is too
big. That, and the resolution is only 480x480 px using a large, old VGA
adapter board. I designed and 3D printed a mount to get it into the BMW
cluster but it just wouldn't cooperate. In a world that has gone all
HDMI, it requires a HDMI-VGA adapter cable and I can't find a Linux display
mode that doesn't stretch or add borders to the little piece of crap. I
tried external hardware scaling devices and all manner of software
configurations. After months of struggling with it, I finally gave
Fortunately, I found a thin, 800x800 HDMI round! display. What a
pleasure to work with. It fits perfectly, works with the Raspberry Pi's
default HDMI settings. It has a very small daughter board and a thin
ribbon cable and is exactly the right size for the hole left by the tach.
Thin, round, correct size, and good resolution. We have a winner!
Isn't that nice?
Working on a 3D printed mount
I had all my dash wood refinished by a guy in Hungary. Putting the
instrument cluster back together isn't that simple, as the original cardboard
gauge gaskets had deteriorated and the trim needs to be installed in the
proper orientation. I printed new gaskets in a pliable PLA clear
filament and put it all back together with a 3d printed mount that holds the
display and its little daughter boards.
New 3D printed gauge gaskets
3d printed custom mount holds the display in the old tach hole
All mounted and ready for power and HDMI
This allowed me to support two different "screen modes" in my app, one for
the rectangular touchscreen and another for the round display. I can run
two instances of my app and the two apps communicate with each other via the
One of many display modes supported by my app. This is the digital
speedo mode.
This page displays when the car is plugged in and charging
As you probably know, I'm not converting just one BMW 3.0 CS coupe to Tesla power but two. One for me and one for my son-in-law, Alex. In fact, I'm involved in a third project for a customer as well. Brett Perkins at P3 Conversions is handling that build and I just consult a bit but I thought it would be interesting to compare how each project has tackled similar problems in different ways.
It all sounds so easy. Just throw out that old gas engine, bolt up an electric motor, add a few batteries and you're off to the races. Or at least to the corner ice cream store in your new electric classic car. If it only it were so.
As I've mentioned before, my CSE project has taken a backseat to finishing the first CSE for my son-in-law. That car (I'll call it the Silver CSE from here on, versus my Blue CSE) was started by Paul Dexter and was the initial inspiration for my car. It was on the road as a full Tesla-powered EV, albeit in primer, for most of 2021. In late 2021 my son-in-law purchased the car from Paul with the promise of having me finish it. Sizzle Reel - click to view