
Bolting in an electric motor and some batteries is the easy part. The devil is in all the little details and decisions that need to be made to retrofit and replace needed systems like braking, power steering, cooling, HVAC, etc.

The biggest hurdle yet to overcome is braking. Paul changed to Wilwood all around and devised a very clever mechanical solution (Fred) to change the direction of brake pedal travel and translate it into the transmission tunnel area where he mounted a hydroboost and Wilwood master in a backwards orientation. All that scared me and I had already rebuilt the stock ATE brakes before deciding to go EV so I had hopes of retaining stock braking all around.

"Fred" - Paul's ingenious solution to moving the brakes out of the engine compartment.  Fred scares me, but works amazingly well.

But hopes are often crushed and there just isn't room in the engine bay for 10 Tesla Model S batteries and a brake booster/master. I contemplated manual brakes, given all the regen braking I get for free, but sure-footed stopping power is too important so I had to figure out a way to get power braking into the car somehow. With some help from Matt at we devised a system that has a simple single reservoir master on the firewall, activated by the brake pedal that then pushes fluid to a slave cylinder that then pushes on the Bosch hydroboost unit, as if it were actually the brake pedal rod, which then pushes on the master cylinder. In order to get the piston sizing all correct I had to ditch the stock master in favor of a Wilwood dual unit. It only has 4 output ports, instead of the ATE's 5 so I'll need to Tee the front lines to the dual hoses on the front calipers.

Complex slave cylinder to hydroboost unit to Wilwood master cylinder.  The idea is to put this anywhere handy (like the trans tunnel) and run a single brake line from a small master cylinder on the firewall to the slave cylinder here.

Before I could even get that far some work needed to happen in the pedal area. The battery box encroaches on the area where the brake pedal rod normally exits the firewall but the area for the clutch cylinder is open so I need to mount the new "master" there. Of course, I don't want to use the clutch pedal to slow the car (this isn't a Model T after all) so I sourced a pedal from an e28 and did some machining and welding to fuse the two pedals together. But it turns out that the e28 clutch pedal is about 1/2" farther to the left so I had to move it in a bit to align with the hole in the firewall. This was all a lot of work. The inner pivot had a spacer welded in the middle between the two pedals that had to be machined off in the lathe and then the e38 pivot tube is longer than necessary so that had to be milled down to the precise length so that it is about 1mm than the inner pivot so that, when bolted to the car, the inner pivot is held tight but the pedals are free to swing without any side to side movement. When all done it works and looks fine (obviously it all needs to be cleaned up) but the pivot tube was about 1mm out of true, making it hard to fit the '73 style long bushings in. I actually only had the one long bushing from the brake pedal so I had 3D printed a second one as a stand-in until I could source an original Nylon bush but since they didn't fit perfectly I was forced to opt for Plan B. The e28 pedal came with the smaller split plastic bushings that just fit on the ends. These are more what I'm used to in the old Chevrolets etc. and they fit and work perfectly (once we milled another mm or so from the pedal pivot length) so that's what I'm going with.

Modified single-action brake pedal that can now exit out the clutch hole

When I say firewall I really mean the steering column bracket that is bolted to the firewall and dash. We had already lopped off the stock brake booster support tube and destroyed the nice new powder coating so I needed to blast off the coating and seal up the big hole that was no longer necessary since I won't be running brake or throttle linkage through there. Of course, I wasn't lucky enough to have the ears on the new master exactly match the pattern of the stock clutch master so I had to gusset and weld that up to make it strong with the correct bolt pattern. I welded studs to the bracket so that R&Ring the master doesn't require crawling under the dash to keep the bolts from spinning. Once done, I have a brake pedal operating a small master.  A minor accomplishment but I didn't realize that the mounting surface for the clutch master isn't perpendicular to the ground (the stock clutch cylinder must have an angle to the ears) so the new master was tilting down slightly.  I don't think this would have any material effect on the operation, other than preventing full fluid level, but it bothered me enough that I had to fix it.  And, as you'll learn in a bit, all for that work for nothing.

Making a paper template to fill the old brake mount hole

Hole welded up

Gusset welded to bracket to hold small master cylinder

It fits in there nicely

The next step for braking would be to mount the slave/hydroboost/master combo in the transmission tunnel area but I also need to fit the hydraulic pump into that area so I sourced an electric power steering pump from an 02-06 BMW/Mini and was trying to work out how to fit both pieces into the tunnel area, while still leaving room to get to hose fittings, and most difficultly, how to route the hoses/lines from the reservoirs down to the master/pump.  

But... after doing all the work to adapt the small master cylinder to the clutch side of the brake pedal I learned of an alternative approach that was promising. Tesla uses an electric brake booster from Bosch called an iBooster. It has a pedal sensor built in and sophisticated electronics to allow braking by wire over CAN for Auto Pilot but some people smarter than me figured out you can run it in"failsafe" mode with just a 12v input and you get power brakes without vacuum or hydraulics. Best of all, it's a fairly compact unit and there was a chance it could squeeze in between my battery box and the inner fender, in roughly the normal location for a master cylinder, thus obviating the need for any remote placement shenanigans.

The Tesla iBooster electric power brake unit

So I bought an iBooster from a wrecked Tesla and did a test fit. It's tight but it will work. Now, I just need to cut out and throw away all that work mounting the small master and modify the steering column bracket once again to mount the Tesla iBooster and run a rod through the mount to the pedal. 

It'll fit

With fabrication help from Brett, we built a custom "horn" out of sheet metal to mount the iBooster.  It is an amazing design -- super strong but very lightweight.  We TIG welded it to the steering column brace and to a flange purchased from EVCreate in the Netherlands. 

Welding the horn on the bench

The "horn" looks strange but works perfectly

A rare photo of me working on the car (I'm usually the one with the camera)

One iBooster mounted and ready to go

In the meantime, there is one more pedal to setup. The throttle pedal is an electronic potentiometer and there wasn't enough room between the steering column bracket and the trans tunnel hump to fit it properly. I always look to Paul's solutions first. He cut into the tunnel to make more room but I didn't think that was necessary so instead, I opted to relieve the steering column bracket a bit and bend it inwards to make room for the pedal assembly. I fabricated a mount and now the pedal is perfectly situated.

Throttle pedal mount 

Throttle pedal mount (hole allows access to stock steering column mounting bolt)

We have both pedals now

Drive-by-wire throttle pedal assembly is really just a big potentiometer

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