Brace up boys

As mentioned previously, with the differential mount cut off the rear suspension I needed a new way to properly locate and secure the rear suspension member.  Tyler fabricated a long arm that welds to the front side of the member and travels forward into the old driveshaft tunnel.  Of course, I no longer have a driveshaft so that room is up for grabs now.  Using a motor mount from a Chevrolet Suburban, we welded a mount to the tunnel and bolted the new arm to the body via the rubber mount.  This is solid fore/aft but allows a bit of up/down swing if necessary.

Planning the brace fabrication

Holes make it lighter, less likely to hold moisture, and just plain cooler looking

Coming together

With motor mount installed


While back there, I installed the rear springs and shocks so that we could soon put the car onto the ground again.

Installing rear suspension.  I had a bit of tendonitis then.

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