It's been almost a year since the last post. Bad blogging. Here's why: I've been working on finishing the other BMW CSE. And now it is done! (Well, is a project like this ever really done?)
The BMW CSE I built for my son-in-law |
Working on that car has kept me from doing much to mine. That said, I did finish the BMS relocation effort. It now lives in the back, above the rear batteries.
The BMS Bubble turned out to be a bad idea so I relocated the BMS upside down above the rear batteries |
I also had to replace the power steering pump in my car, as the old Mini Cooper pump shorted out. I went to the local Pick-Your-Parts and pulled all the pumps from every Mini Cooper in the yard. Now I have a couple spares.
Mini Cooper electric power steering pumps pulled from a junk yard, tested, and cleaned up |
Now that the other car is done, I can re-focus on my car. The bad news is that I harvested some fusebox components from my car to use on the silver car so mine is currently not running. The good news is that I learned a lot on the other car that will inform decisions on mine.
I'm looking forward to getting back into my project...