The Transplant is Successful

I've successfully transplanted all the components from the donor Tesla Model S into my 1973 BMW 3.0 CS coupe.  The last organs to be inserted were the 10 battery modules up front.  Now, all 14 batteries are in place, the motor, inverter, and differential unit is installed, the iBooster is operational, and even the Tesla electric air conditioning compressor is in place.

Tesla drivetrain fully installed

I slid in all the batteries, wired them all up, and made some cooling manifold mounts.  After failing to keep my cool previously, I rerouted all the battery cooling lines in parallel using a couple 10 port manifolds so the box is all ready to be connected to the radiators.  Once everything was in place and hooked up, I installed the acrylic skin and put the box on the winch. 

Ready for installation

All wired up

Cooling hoses all connected

Needs a small adjustment to get the strut bars to fit

No extra room on the right, just enough for the A/C hoses

A perfect fit

No extra room on the left

I was able to lower the battery box into the car quite easily, all my myself one evening.  It went in like butter.  There's no extra room in the engine compartment but everything fits like it should (See below).

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